Peanuts – nutritional value, health and information you need to know

Peanuts are a food from the legume family that is very good for health. They are also very familiar in the daily lives of Vietnamese people. Join us to learn about this type of legume!

1. Nutritional composition of Peanuts
Peanuts are also known as peanuts, they contain a lot of fat and protein. In particular, the fat content ranges from 50-56% and this form of fat exists in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated forms. When absorbed, they will form the active ingredients oleic acid and linoleic acid.

In addition to the above substances, peanuts also contain the following substances:

Protein: 8 grams
Carbs: 2 grams
Fiber: 1 gram
Fat: 4 grams
Manganese: 31% RDI
Calcium: 20% RDI
Selenium: 14% RDI
Phosphorus: 12% RDI
Copper: 11% RDI
Magnesium: 9% RDI
Iron: 9% RDI
Zinc: 6% RDI

Therefore, we can see that peanuts are a very nutritious food, containing many important vitamins and minerals.

2. Effects of peanuts on health
*Effective in weight loss
Although the fat content in peanuts is high, it prevents users from gaining weight. According to research by nutrition experts, people who regularly eat peanuts will help lose weight, maintain shape and reduce the risk of obesity.

The calorie content in peanuts will help create a feeling of fullness for a long time and reduce cravings. In addition, it also helps consume more energy in the body. Insoluble fiber in the nutritional composition of peanuts will partly contribute to reducing the risk of weight gain.

*Good for people with cardiovascular disease
Unsaturated fats in peanuts will help reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. At the same time, peanuts contain oleic acid, which is a strong antioxidant so it will help prevent cardiovascular diseases.

*Balance blood sugar in blood
Manganese in peanuts is a key ingredient in the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates. It will help increase calcium absorption and effectively stabilize blood sugar levels in the body.

*Supports fertility for women
Women who are pregnant or preparing to become pregnant can eat a lot of peanuts because they contain folic acid, which is very good for the health of mother and fetus. Folic acid intake will help enhance fertility and prevent the risk of neural tube defects in newborns.

*Beautify skin
Peanuts are also beneficial for the skin, the nutritional ingredients in them will help improve the skin significantly, making the skin smoother and brighter. The amount of vitamin E in peanuts also helps prevent the appearance of wrinkles and protects our skin from ultraviolet rays from the sun.

3. Sorting peanuts
*Fresh peanuts
Fresh peanuts are the type that after being harvested, people will separate the tuber from the stem and then clean the dirt and dust. The price of this type of peanut depends on its size. The larger, firmer and more beautiful the peanut, the higher the price will be.

*Dried peanuts
**Dried peanuts in shell
Shelled dried peanuts are the type that, after being separated from the tree, will be cleaned and dried. This type of peanut will be stored longer and will not be affected by termites.
**Dried peanuts
It is a seed that has had its outer shell removed and can be used immediately for roasting, cooking or pressing oil.

4. Origin
Peanuts are abundant in the Central region, the Northwest and Central Highlands of Vietnam.
In addition, the main source of goods is peanuts imported from India. With favorable soil, Indian farmers can cultivate year-round in each area.

5. Note about peanut servings in daily foods
Eating peanuts has many health benefits, but there are also some things to keep in mind, because for many people, this food is not really good. Below are the harmful effects of peanuts.

*Causes allergies
For some people who are susceptible to irritation, eating a lot of peanuts will cause the body to feel uncomfortable, itchy, have hives, and in more severe cases, can lead to some complications such as respiratory failure, heart failure, causes coma and can especially cause death.

*Not good for people with gout
For people with gout, you absolutely should not eat peanuts because they are rich in protein and fat, and if eaten, they will make the disease worse.

*Causes bloating and indigestion
Eating peanuts will cause indigestion, stomach pain and constipation, so if your body has gastrointestinal problems, you should not eat a lot of these nuts.

*Causes heat in the body
The nature of peanuts is that they are hot, so if you eat too much, your body will feel hot because the body will work harder to eliminate and consume the energy of fats inherent in peanuts, causing loss of energy. water for the body and increased heat production.

*Should children eat peanuts?
Nutrition experts also recommend giving children peanuts to provide them with all the nutrients they need. However, children should also be fed in moderate doses and should be fed before 5 years old to reduce the risk of peanut allergy.
However, if the child has symptoms such as itching, red rashes or vomiting, the child should be taken to a medical center for examination to avoid a severe allergic reaction with bad symptoms that can cause death. children.

6. Delicious food with peanuts

*Boiled fresh peanuts
Boiled fresh peanuts are a dish loved by many people, especially on rainy days, enjoying this dish will be wonderful. When we eat fresh boiled peanuts, we will feel the sweet, delicious and nutty taste of each bean.

*Roasted dry peanuts
Dry roasted peanuts are also a very familiar dish. We can roast them to enjoy or add a little spice to make it more flavorful and can be eaten with rice, it will also be very delicious.

Above are the interesting things about peanuts that we have collected. We hope that this article will help readers know the essential information about peanuts as well as grasp useful information. than.
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