16 health effects of peanuts and notes on use

Peanuts are considered a food used a lot in Vietnamese dishes and bring many effects to human health. Let’s learn about the effects of peanuts in the article below!

1. Nutritional content in peanuts

A 0.25 cup (36.5g) serving of peanuts contains the following nutrients:

Calories: 214.
Total fat: 18g.
Total carbohydrates: 8g.
Fiber: 3g.
Sugar: 2g.
Protein: 9g.
Peanuts also contain iron, calcium,…

2. Effects of peanuts (peanuts)
2.1. Blood Sugar Management
Peanuts are considered a great food for people with diabetes or at risk of diabetes. Because they are considered a food with a low glycemic index, when eating peanuts, blood sugar levels will not increase suddenly.
Peanuts are rich in protein, fat and fiber while the carbohydrate content is relatively low, thereby helping to control blood sugar, obesity (especially in women) and reduce the risk of diabetes.

2.2. Improve cardiovascular health, prevent stroke
Peanuts contain a lot of unsaturated fats that bring many health benefits, helping to improve heart health by reducing cholesterol levels in the body and preventing the formation of small blood clots, helping to reduce the risk of heart disease. have a heart attack or stroke.
Research suggests that adding 46g of peanuts or peanut butter per day will help improve heart health for people with diabetes.

2.3. Helps reduce inflammation
Peanuts are a good source of fats that contain oleic acid, which helps fight inflammation and free radicals in cells.
Besides, peanuts also contain a large amount of fiber, antioxidants and natural anti-inflammatory substances that help enhance digestive function and reduce inflammation in the body.

2.4. Cancerprevention
Peanuts contain antioxidants such as flavonoids, resveratrol and vitamin E, which have the ability to prevent the growth of cancer cells and reduce the risk of cancer.
For older adults, eating peanut butter or peanuts may help reduce the risk of stomach cancer, also known as noncardiac gastric adenocarcinoma.

2.5. Enhances good memory
Peanuts contain a variety of vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, and proteins that provide countless benefits to the brain, which can help enhance memory and enhance cognition.
Eating 50g to 80g of peanuts every day helps improve cognitive function and blood circulation in the brain. Besides, consistently eating for 12 weeks will help improve short-term memory, ability to process and respond to information.

2.6. Depressionprevention
A 6-month study in young, healthy adults found that daily consumption of roasted peanuts or peanut butter improved depression and stress and that peanut butter enhanced memory function. .

2.7. Reduces Alzheimer‘s risk
Peanuts contain niacin and vitamin E, two nutrients that help prevent Alzheimer’s disease and slow the rate of age-related cognitive decline.

2.8. Reduce bad cholesterol in the blood
Peanuts are rich in protein, fat, fiber, etc. It is a source of healthy fats, besides they also contain phytosterols, which can help you reduce bad cholesterol (LDL-C) levels in the body. .

2.9. Improve skin
Peanuts contain Omega-3 fatty acids that moisturize your skin, making it smooth and shiny. Besides, peanuts also prevent dryness and peeling, helping to slow down the aging process of the skin.

2.10. Prevent gallstones
Most gallstones are formed from cholesterol and peanuts have the effect of reducing the total cholesterol and triacylglycerol content in bile, so peanuts can prevent gallstones.
Studies show that peanuts are rich in fiber and antioxidants that can support liver function and help prevent gallstone formation in the body, in both men and women.

2.11. Reduces the risk of fetal malformations
Birth defects can occur when the fetus is developing but does not provide adequate nutrients or when the development of the fetus is disturbed.
Peanuts contain large amounts of protein, iron, calcium, etc., which help ensure there are enough red blood cells, thereby supporting the development of the fetus.

2.12. Antioxidant
The antioxidant ability in peanuts is due to the biological substances contained in peanuts such as vitamin E, chlorogenic acid, caffeic acid, coumaric acid, ferulic acid, flavonoids and stilbene,…

2.13. Weight loss support
Peanuts contain healthy fats, protein and fiber so they can be used in snacks. Foods high in protein, when eaten in small amounts, can help you feel fuller faster.
Research shows that women who eat peanuts twice a week can reduce obesity 8 times more than women who do not eat peanuts.

2.14. Helps hair stay healthy
Peanuts are rich in protein, vitamin C, Omega-3, these substances play an important role in maintaining hair health and limiting breakage.
The iron content in peanuts is also an important ingredient for hair growth. Iron deficiency can lead to hair loss and brittle hair. Adding peanuts to your diet can help provide your body with enough iron and support healthy hair growth.
Besides, the vitamin E and magnesium content in peanuts helps improve blood circulation in the scalp, preventing hair from becoming dry and brittle.

2.15. Clears milk ducts in pregnant mothers, nourishes blood
Peanuts are a diverse and rich source of nutrients such as protein, fatty oils and fiber, which can contribute to providing nutrition and energy to the body of a nursing mother.
In addition, peanuts also contain important nutrients such as vitamin E and iron that support lactation and help increase blood regeneration.

2.16. Helps reduce blood fat and lower blood pressure
Peanuts have many uses for human health. In addition, the skin (the thin red membrane covering the bean) also has important effects. They contain flavonoids that help reduce blood fat and cholesterol. lower blood pressure.
Furthermore, peanut shell extract also contains many antioxidants that help protect the body from harmful free radicals, prevent cell damage and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

3. Harmful effects of peanuts
Peanuts are a food with many benefits for human health, however improper use can lead to some of the following adverse effects:
Peanuts contain a lot of fat, if used too much can lead to weight gain or even obesity.
Phytic acid found in peanuts inhibits the absorption of iron, zinc, calcium, magnesium, manganese,…
Peanuts contain a large amount of omega 6, which has many benefits for human health, but overuse of peanuts can lead to an imbalance of unsaturated fatty acids in the body and cause inflammation.
Allergy to peanut ingredients.

4. Notes when eating peanuts
Although peanuts have many health benefits, there are some people who should limit or avoid peanut consumption. Here are some cases when you should not eat peanuts:
People who have had their gallbladder removed: When the gallbladder is removed, bile is no longer secreted to help digest fats and protein-rich foods. This can make digestion difficult and cause discomfort for the person who has had their gallbladder removed.
Patients with gout: Gout is a disease caused by metabolic disorders in the body, causing increased uric acid in the blood. Peanuts are a high-fat food. Eating too many peanuts can reduce uric acid secretion, making the disease worse.
Stomach ulcers, chronic gastritis: These patients suffer from chronic abdominal pain, indigestion, etc., so the diet should be eaten in small quantities and divided into several meals.

5. Side effects of eating a lot of peanuts
Although peanuts have many health benefits, consuming too much peanuts can also cause some side effects.
Aflatoxin poisoning: Peanuts can be contaminated with the fungus Aspergillus flavus. Aflatoxin is a carcinogen and can damage the liver and immune system.
Peanuts contain phytic acid, a substance that can reduce the body’s ability to absorb nutrients like iron and zinc.
Symptoms of peanut allergy, causing symptoms such as runny nose, tingling in the throat and mouth, difficulty breathing, diarrhea, vomiting, etc. You should see a doctor immediately if you have these signs. above sign.

6. How much should you eat in a day?
Peanuts are rich in nutrients, so eating peanuts regularly in your diet will be very beneficial.
Every day you should eat a maximum of 30 grams (equivalent to 53 seeds).
You should eat about 2 tablespoons of peanut butter every day for health benefits.
The time to eat peanuts does not depend on the day, but it is best in the evening.

7. How to choose safe peanuts
To choose safe peanuts, you should note some of the following characteristics:
The seeds are large, round, firm and plump.
Peanut shells are light in color.
The seeds are even, not moldy or rotten.

Source: nhathuocankhang.com

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