10 coffee export markets of Vietnam

Name 10 coffee export markets of Vietnam with a turnover of over 100 million USD

According to data from the General Department of Customs, Vietnam exported 893,820 tons of coffee in the first 6 months of 2024, earning 3.1 billion USD, Vietnam’s average export coffee price reached 3,569.3 USD/ton. Compared to the same period last year, volume decreased by 11.4% but export value increased by 33.2%.

Regarding markets, Hungary is Vietnam’s coffee export market with the highest average price at 6,821 USD/ton, followed by Israel with 6,099 USD/ton. These are also 2 of 37 markets with an average coffee export price of over 6,000 USD/ton.

At 5,000 USD, Vietnam recorded coffee exports to Poland with an average price of 5,586 USD/ton and Laos with 5,314 USD/ton.

At 4,000 USD, Vietnam’s coffee exports to Singapore reached an average price of 4,909 USD/ton, Myanmar 4,856 USD/ton, Romania 4,230 USD/ton, New Zealand 4,189 USD/ton, Philippines 4,107 USD/ton. tons, South Africa is 4,087 USD/ton, Malaysia is 4,029 USD/ton.

6 tháng đầu năm, Đức là thị trường xuất khẩu cà phê lớn nhất của Việt Nam đạt 383 triệu USD tiếp đến là Italy đạt 276 triệu USD, Nhật Bản đạt 238 triệu USD…
Bỉ là thị trường xuất khẩu cà phê lớn thứ 2 của Việt NamTháng 1/2023, xuất khẩu cà phê giảm 38,1%Giá xuất khẩu bình quân cà phê lập mức cao kỷ lục mới 3.603 USD/tấn
Theo số liệu từ Tổng cục Hải quan, Việt Nam xuất khẩu 893.820 tấn cà phê trong 6 tháng đầu năm 2024, thu về 3,1 tỷ USD. So với cùng kỳ năm trước, giảm 11,4% về lượng nhưng giá trị xuất khẩu tăng 33,2%.

6 tháng đầu năm 2024, giá cà phê xuất khẩu trung bình của Việt Nam đạt 3.569,3 USD/tấn, tăng tới 50% so với cùng kỳ năm trước.

Về các thị trường, Hungary là thị trường xuất khẩu cà phê của Việt Nam có giá trung bình cao nhất với 6.821 USD/tấn, đứng sau là Israel với 6.099 USD/tấn. Đây cũng là 2 trong số 37 thị trường có mức giá xuất khẩu cà phê trung bình trên 6.000 USD/tấn.

Điểm tên 10 thị trường xuất khẩu cà phê của Việt Nam có kim ngạch trên 100 triệu USD
6 tháng đầu năm, Đức là thị trường xuất khẩu cà phê lớn nhất của Việt Nam với 383 triệu USD, tăng 37% so với cùng kỳ.

Tại mức 5.000 USD, Việt Nam ghi nhận xuất khẩu cà phê sang Ba Lan đạt giá trung bình là 5.586 USD/tấn và Lào với 5.314 USD/tấn.

Ở mức 4.000 USD, Việt Nam xuất khẩu cà phê sang Singapore đạt giá trung bình là 4.909 USD/tấn, Myanmar là 4.856 USD/tấn, Rumani là 4.230 USD/tấn, New Zealand là 4.189 USD/tấn, Philippines là 4.107 USD/tấn, Nam Phi là 4.087 USD/tấn, Malaysia là 4.029 USD/tấn.

Mexico is the market with the lowest coffee export price, averaging 2,974 USD/ton, followed by India reaching 3,073 USD/ton, Italy reaching 3,190 USD/ton…

In terms of volume, Germany leads Vietnam’s coffee export markets with 112,249 tons in the first half of 2024, however compared to the same period last year, this number has decreased by 13%. Behind is Italy with 86,588 tons, down 6% over the same period last year; Spain with 64,391 tons, up 19% over the same period last year; Japan with 63,127 tons, up 4% over the same period last year…

In ASEAN, Vietnam exports coffee to 8 markets. In general, Vietnam’s coffee exports to this market group grew well compared to the same period last year.

Indonesia is the market with the largest coffee export volume with 41,030 tons, an increase of 47% over the same period last year. Behind is the Philippines reaching 32,572 tons, up 61% over the same period last year; Thailand with 23,655 tons, up 83% over the same period last year; Malaysia reached 19,605 tons, up 54% over the same period last year; Cambodia reached 1,113 tons, up 55% over the same period last year; Singapore with 804 tons, up 22% over the same period last year and Laos with 76 tons, up 49% over the same period last year.

Myanmar is the only market in the bloc that decreased in volume with -19% over the same period last year, reaching 1,311 tons.

Among Vietnam’s 37 main coffee export markets, 22 markets decreased and 15 markets increased in volume compared to the same period last year.

In terms of value, Vietnam’s 10 coffee export markets have a turnover of over 100 million USD in the first 6 months of 2024 with a total of 2.02 billion USD, equivalent to 65% of the total turnover.

Of which, Germany is Vietnam’s largest coffee export market with 383 million USD, an increase of 37% over the same period last year. Behind is Italy with 276 million USD, up 37% over the same period last year; Japan with 238 million USD, up 47% over the same period last year; Spain with 236 million USD, an increase of 82% over the same period last year.

Vietnam also earned 189 million USD from exporting coffee to Russia, an increase of 35% over the same period last year; America reached 189 million USD, up 4.9% over the same period last year; Indonesia reached 160 million USD, up 95% over the same period last year; Philippines reached 133 million USD, up 113% over the same period last year; The Netherlands reached 116 million USD, an increase of 88% over the same period last year; China reached 103 million USD, up 44% over the same period last year.

In ASEAN, coffee exports to Malaysia earned 79 million USD, up 105% over the same period last year; to Thailand reached 85 million USD, an increase of 81% over the same period last year; Myanmar reached 6.3 million USD, down 21% over the same period last year; Cambodia reached 4 million USD, up 95% over the same period last year; Singapore reached 3.9 million USD, up 25% over the same period last year; Laos reached 0.4 million USD, an increase of 100% over the same period last year.

Of the 37 main markets, coffee export turnover to 9 markets decreased and 28 markets increased compared to the same period last year.

Author: Ngoc Ngan
According to: congthuong.vn

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